One Step Closer to your Home Buying Dream

The CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® (CAR) Housing Affordability Fund (HAF) is helping to close homeownership gaps that impact the state’s *underserved communities with the Pathway to Home Closing Cost Assistance Grant Program.

The program helps first-time homebuyers bridge the affordability gap by providing them with up to $10,000 in closing cost assistance. Each grant is provided to first-time homebuyers who have a total combined household income of 120% AMI or below (moderate income) who utilize the services of a CA REALTOR®. Household income (income from all household members regardless of if they are on the loan or not) is used to determine eligibility.

To purchase the property, Recipient must have used financing consistent with the National Association of REALTORS® Responsible Lending Criteria (currently found at ) which prevents abusive lending and supports responsible lending principles. The recipient must not have paid all cash for the purchase. Exceptions may be allowed subject to Grantor’s prior written approval if the Recipient used any alternative financing.

Complete applications must be submitted no later than three weeks prior to the close to escrow

Up to $10,000 in Closing Cost Assistance Available

Grants for Underserved Communities

Can Be Used to Purchase Anywhere Within the State of California

Income Restrictions Apply

Total combined household income shall not exceed the moderate-income level (120% or less AMI) as defined by the California Department of Housing Community Development’s Annual Income Limits. Income limits vary per county. Click below for a current list of county income limits for moderate income households.

*The combined household income calculation will be based on the adjusted household income from all household member’s 2024 tax returns.

Must Complete HUD-Approved Homebuyer Education Course

Approved applicants shall complete a HUD-Approved Homebuyer Education course with a local HUD-Approved Counseling Agency or online prior to the close of escrow. Fees vary per agency.


Pathway to Home Closing Cost Assistance Grant Program is helping underserved communities build wealth through homeownership.

Photo of smiling family in front of Genevieve property

After reviewing the eligibility criteria to determine if you may fit the program criteria please complete the inquiry form below. We will send you the program application to the email addresss that is entered on the inquiry form. The application will need to be sent in by your lender along with the following items:

  • Signed Application and disclosures and including Exhibit A
  • Copy of borrower’s ID/Driver’s License
  • Copy of borrower’s Social Security card
  • Copy of 2024 Federal Income Tax Returns with W-2s for all household members
  • Copy of the latest IRS tax transcript accounting for all household members
  • If Self-Employed must provide a Year-to-Date Profit and Loss Statement along with the previous 2 years Federal Tax Returns
  • Copy of other income documentation such as Alimony, Child Support, Social Security, SSI, Retirement, and Disability (supply a copy of the award letter or a copy of the check or direct deposit bank statement)
  • Copy of all pages from the 3 most recent bank statements of all accounts. Must include other accounts such as mutual funds, stocks, bonds, 401K, and IRAs.
  • Copy of First Mortgage Loan Approval Letter/DU Approval letter
  • Copy of 1003 Loan Application
  • Fully Executed Purchase Contract
  • Proof of receipt of EMD
  • Preliminary Title Report with wire instructions
  • Verification of Employment
  • Closing Disclosure (when available)
  • Homebuyer Education Certificate of Completion with Neighborhood Partnership Housing Services