Home Improvement Programs

NPHS partners with Cities and local municipalities to assist eligible homeowners to preserve, repair and improve their homes. NPHS administers several home repair programs for various municipalities in the Inland Empire including grants for seniors and permanently disabled homeowners. NPHS also provides its own Home Repair Loan Programs to cover the cost of home repairs and improvements.

City of San Bernardino
Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Loan Program

San Bernardino seal city logo

The City of San Bernardino Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Program is a program designed to assist income-eligible San Bernardino homeowners improve the living conditions of their homes to meet the City’s health and safety code requirements and extend the lives of their homes. Only owner-occupied single-family detached dwellings, townhomes and condominiums located within San Bernardino city limits qualify for this program. Health and safety, building code violations, and accessibility, and some general property related repairs are eligible for reimbursement. Improvements may include, but not limited to, the following:


  • Interior/exterior painting, plumbing, electrical, roofing, heating
  • Structural issues (foundation), landscaping, driveway repair/replacement
  • Bedroom/Bathroom additions to relieve overcrowding
  • ADA improvements
  • Energy efficiency upgrades


Program eligibility is based on household size and level of income. Households with incomes at or below 80 percent of Area Median Income may be eligible for a loan up to a $40,000 (see household income guidelines in brochure below). Financial assistance will be provided to the homeowner in the form of a forgivable loan secured with a Promissory Note and a Deed of Trust. The forgivable loan has a ten (10) year term and does not accrue interest.


The forgivable loan will become due and payable under certain conditions such as upon the sale of the property, or no longer occupying the property as their permanent residence. Funding is limited and provided on a first-come, first-serve basis. For additional terms, conditions and requirements, please download the program brochure below.


If you have questions or would like to apply for this program, please contact an NPHS Home Rehabilitation Specialist at: (909) 988-5979

City of Riverside
Housing Rehabilitation Program

The City of Riverside’s Housing Rehabilitation Program helps low income households rehabilitate their homes. Low interest loans and a limited number of grants are available to help finance housing repairs for income eligible homeowners living in the City of Riverside.

Rehabilitation Loans

These loans provide up to $60,000 for rehabilitation. These loans are interest-free and payment is deferred for 30 years for qualified homeowners. A Deed of Trust is used to secure the loan (as a lien on the property). Deferred loans become due and payable upon the resale, transfer of title, refinancing of the property with cash out, or death of borrower, whichever comes first.

These programs may be available to you if you live in the City of Riverside, have owned and lived in your home for at least a year, and your household income is less than 80% of the County’s Median Income.

Household Size Max Income
1 $52,200
2 $59,650
3 $67,100
4 $74,550
5 $80,550
6 $86,500
7 $92,450
8 $98,450

If you have questions or would like to apply for this program, please contact an NPHS Home Rehabilitation Specialist at: (909) 988-5979

NPHS in partnership with the City of Chino is providing a one-time grant for home improvements and or modifications which are designed to make the home safer; particularly to cure Health and Safety Code deficiencies or that improve the senior’s quality of life. The grant is for senior citizens or permanently disabled individuals with mobility issues. The grant covers all costs associated with the repairs; including labor, supplies and materials.

The City of Chino Healthy Homes grant is up to $5,000. Applicants must live in Chino and be at least 62 years of age or be disabled with mobility issues. Applications are prioritized for funding purposes on a first-come, first-served basis. Therefore, you are required to complete and return the application within 30 days.

Homeowners whose applications have been accepted for this Program will receive a ONE-TIME GRANT in an amount up to $5,000 for eligible home repairs and in accordance with NPHS’ housing rehabilitation standards as set forth in the Housing Code. The finished rehabilitation work must be free of any Health and Safety Code, Building Code, or other State and local code violations and must, at a minimum, meet Section 8 Housing Quality Standards (HQS).

Applications should be submitted to April De Leon, Redevelopment Project Manager via email at april@nphsinc.org or in person at the NPHS Headquarters located at 9551 Pittsburgh Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730.

The City of Chino Hills Home Improvement Grant Program

The City-wide Home Improvement Grant Program provides eligible homeowners with grants to assist in revitalizing their properties. Funding is provided by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant Program. Grants will be available up to $7,500.

Applications are available in the Community Services Department and linked below.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Homeowner must own and occupy the single-family residence for at least one year.
  • Gross annual household income may not exceed 80% of the San Bernardino County median income adjusted for family size:

HUD Income Limits

Effective 2023

Household Size Max Income
1 $52,200
2 $59,650
3 $67,100
4 $74,550
5 $80,550
6 $86,500
7 $92,450
8 $98,450

*income limits subject to change annually

  • Property must be within the City of Chino Hills.
  • All property taxes and assessments must be current and the property must not have any recorded property or income tax liens.
  • A state and city licensed contractor must perform any home improvement work.
  • Grants are awarded “one time only” per household per address.

Eligible Improvements

Home Improvement Grants can be used for a variety of home repairs including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Exterior Paint
  • Driveway (concrete only)
  • Door/Window Replacement
  • Roof Repairs
  • Fencing
  • Garage Door Repairs
  • Exterior Structural Repairs
  • Drainage/Septic System

For more information about this grant please contact NPHS at: (909) 988-5979

Contact Us

For additional information on our Home Improvement Programs, please email April De Leon, at April@nphsinc.org